viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

Stamp Act

On March 1765 the parliament passed a bill and wanted to raise taxes from the colonies. This is called THE STAMP ACT. This included newspaper, books, court documents, land deeds, and contracts. The colonist protest about this because they paid so many taxes they were left with nothing so they started to argued about this, that they didn't had any representation at the parlament. And then they thought if they let them impose taxes once they would be adding more and more taxes. They thought that the stamp act reveled the british conspiracy to destroy american liberties. The Colonist were complaining about the Stamp Act so the parlament thought that the colonist were being selfish and that their empire needed money, the colonist did not accept this argument.


As many people can imagine The French and Indian War was not a war between Indian and French but a war between England and France, French and Indians alied. The fought over the Ohio River Valley. This war started in the year of 1754 and lasted until 1756, that's why its name "Seven Years War". The british troops were commanded by George Washington, at first suffering loses, but then British using a better strategy and blocking shipping from Frensh started dominating the war and captured Quebec and Montreal between 1759 and 1760. The most important man on this british side was William Pitt who increased British military resources in the colonies, after this british entered and took over the French territory easily. At the end this war ended with the Treaty of Paris, with british having most of the land and with little claims from French and Spanish.