viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

Battles of Lexington and Concord
John Hancock, Samuel Adams and other colonist leaders convened in a provincial congress where they wanted to govern without any British influence. They started gathering weapons and amunisions not letting Thomas Gage who was a British general, military who was named governor of Massachusetts, know about the plans they had together.
When Gage knew about this plan he send troops to arrest John Hancock and Samuel Adams. This provoked the battles in this towns west of Boston.  When the secret was spread Paul Revere travel all the way to Boston to warn Hancock and Adams , so knowing this the patriot fighters (militia), got ready to defend their town. This patriots were full-time farmers and part-time soldiers. But this didn’t stop them, they were ready to attack rapidly and their attacks were sudden and silent.
When redcoats arrived they attacked but the militia killed more than 200 British soldiers and so winning this short battle.

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