viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

Boston Massacre

Boston Massacre! This terrible event started March 5th 1770.
British started abusing the colonists, they were sending soldiers to the colonies to make sure that they were fallowing the rules as the British wanted. All this started creating tension between soldiers and colonists. Soldiers weren’t happy about this and some were looking for other jobs because they were paid few for their work as soldiers.
On this evening of march a soldier looking for other job step on colonist territory and was encountered by angry colonists. All this anger was created by the tension around them, soldiers al around them! So they took advantage so the angry mob started attaking the soldier.
All this conflists provoced a first shot even though soldiers didn’t wanted to attack colonists, the several shots started appearing, as a result 5 civilians rest dead. All this continued until it was taken to trial. After all the massacre justice was made, only 2 soldiers were charged for commiting a crime.

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